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5 Strong Champions Who Can Counter Swain in League of Legends

Who Counters Swain

Discover the champions who can outsmart and outplay Swain on the battlefield. Learn their strengths and strategies to gain the upper hand.

Are you tired of constantly losing to Swain in League of Legends? Are you ready to turn the tables and finally come out on top? Well, fear not my fellow summoners, for I have compiled a comprehensive list of champions that can effectively counter Swain!

First and foremost, let's talk about the bird man himself - Fiddlesticks. That's right, the champion with the most annoyingly terrifying ultimate in the game is also Swain's worst nightmare. With Fiddle's ability to silence, fear, and drain Swain's health, you'll have him crying for mercy in no time.

Next up, we have the plant queen, Zyra. Not only can she dish out heavy damage from afar, but her plants can block Swain's Nevermove ability and her ultimate can knock him and his team away, making team fights a breeze.

But wait, there's more! Want to add insult to injury? Look no further than Malzahar. His ultimate, Nether Grasp, completely immobilizes Swain, leaving him helpless for you and your team to take him down. Plus, his voidlings can easily clear Swain's birds, making lane domination a piece of cake.

Let's not forget about our favorite yordle, Veigar. This tiny but mighty mage can stun Swain with his Event Horizon, and his ultimate can obliterate Swain's health bar in seconds. And if that's not enough, his Baleful Strike can increase his own AP, making him an even bigger threat to Swain in the late game.

Now, I know what you're thinking - what about the tanky top laners? Well, fear not, for I have the perfect solution - Ornn. This beefy boi can easily out-sustain Swain's damage with his passive, and his ultimate can knock him and his team up, setting up the perfect engage for your own team.

But let's not forget about the queen of mobility herself, LeBlanc. This tricky assassin can easily dodge Swain's abilities with her Distortion and Mirror Image, and her Ethereal Chains can lock him down for you and your team to finish off.

And finally, we have the one and only Galio. Not only can he tank Swain's damage with ease, but his ultimate can turn the tides of a team fight and his Winds of War can easily clear Swain's birds. Plus, who doesn't love seeing a giant stone statue flying through the air?

In conclusion, there are plenty of champions that can effectively counter Swain in League of Legends. So next time you find yourself facing off against the Grand General, remember these picks and watch as he cowers in fear.


Swain is a champion in League of Legends that has caused many players to rage quit. He has the ability to sustain himself in lane and can dish out tons of damage with his ultimate. If you're tired of getting dominated by this bird man, fear not! In this article, we'll be exploring some champions that can counter Swain in a humorous way.

The Problem with Swain

Before we dive into the counters, let's first identify what makes Swain so frustrating to play against. First, he has great sustain with his passive, which allows him to restore health upon killing minions. Second, his Q ability is a point-and-click spell that deals a lot of damage. Finally, his ultimate turns him into a demonic bird, dealing even more damage and restoring health. Overall, Swain is a tough nut to crack.

Counter #1: Lux

Lux is a great counter to Swain for a few reasons. First, she outranges him with her spells, making it difficult for him to engage on her. Second, her Q ability can snare Swain in place, preventing him from using his ultimate to escape. Finally, her ultimate can deal massive damage from a long range. As Lux, you can poke Swain down while staying relatively safe.

Counter #2: Vladimir

Vladimir is another champion that can stand toe-to-toe with Swain. His Q ability allows him to sustain himself in lane, much like Swain's passive. Additionally, Vladimir's W ability allows him to become untargetable, avoiding Swain's damage entirely. Finally, Vladimir's ultimate can amplify the damage that he and his allies deal, making it easier to take down Swain.

Counter #3: Morgana

Morgana is a great counter to Swain because of her Black Shield ability. This spell can prevent Swain from snaring her with his Q ability, effectively shutting down his engage. Additionally, Morgana's W ability can deal damage over time, making it hard for Swain to sustain himself in lane. Finally, her ultimate can stun multiple enemies, giving her team the opportunity to focus down Swain.

Counter #4: Fizz

Fizz is a playful champion that can give Swain a run for his money. His E ability allows him to become untargetable for a short period of time, avoiding Swain's damage. Additionally, Fizz's Q ability allows him to close the gap on Swain quickly, making it difficult for him to poke Fizz down. Finally, Fizz's ultimate can knock up and slow Swain, making it easier for Fizz to take him out.

Counter #5: Yorick

Yorick is a champion that many players overlook, but he can be a great counter to Swain. His ghouls can soak up Swain's damage, allowing Yorick to sustain himself in lane. Additionally, Yorick's ultimate allows him to summon a powerful ghoul that can deal massive damage to Swain. Finally, Yorick's W ability can trap Swain in place, making it easier for Yorick to land his E ability.

Counter #6: Zed

Zed is a ninja that can burst down Swain quickly. His ultimate allows him to become untargetable, avoiding Swain's damage. Additionally, Zed's W ability allows him to quickly escape from Swain's engage. Finally, Zed's Q and E abilities can deal massive damage to Swain, making it easy for him to take him out.

Counter #7: Annie

Annie is a champion that can burst down Swain quickly with her spells. Her Q ability allows her to restore health when she kills minions, much like Swain's passive. Additionally, Annie's W ability can deal massive damage to Swain, making it difficult for him to sustain himself in lane. Finally, Annie's ultimate can stun multiple enemies, giving her team the opportunity to focus down Swain.

Counter #8: Kassadin

Kassadin is a champion that can easily avoid Swain's damage. His ultimate allows him to teleport a short distance, making it easy for him to dodge Swain's Q ability. Additionally, Kassadin's Q ability can silence Swain, preventing him from using his ultimate to escape. Finally, Kassadin's W ability can deal damage and restore mana, making it easy for him to sustain himself in lane.

Counter #9: LeBlanc

LeBlanc is a deceptive champion that can quickly burst down Swain. Her passive ability allows her to become invisible for a short period of time, making it difficult for Swain to target her. Additionally, LeBlanc's Q and W abilities can deal massive damage to Swain, making it easy for her to take him out. Finally, LeBlanc's ultimate can mimic one of her other spells, allowing her to deal even more damage to Swain.

Counter #10: Teemo

Last but not least, we have Teemo. While he may seem like a joke champion, Teemo can actually counter Swain quite effectively. His Q ability can blind Swain, preventing him from landing his Q ability. Additionally, Teemo's mushrooms can deal massive damage to Swain, making it easy for Teemo to poke him down. Finally, Teemo's ultimate can slow Swain down, making it difficult for him to engage on Teemo.


Swain may be a tough bird to crack, but with the right champions, he can be taken down easily. Whether you prefer Lux's long-range poke or Teemo's annoying mushrooms, there is a champion out there that can counter Swain effectively. So next time you see that demonic bird in your lane, don't panic. Just pick one of these champions and watch Swain fall from grace.

Birds of a feather flock together (against Swain), and there are plenty of champions in the League who can give this bird-like mage a run for his money. First up, we have Zilean, the master of chronomancy. Swain may be able to control time in his own way, but Zilean's abilities can outmaneuver him and keep him at bay. Next, we have Teemo, the little guy who packs a big punch. Don't underestimate the power of a yordle! Teemo's shrooms and poison darts are enough to make even Swain's feathers ruffle. Moving on, we have Nidalee, the queen of the jungle. If Swain wants to take a stroll through the jungle, he better watch out for this feline champion who can pounce on him and leave him scratching his head. Then, we have LeBlanc, the master of deception. Swain may be able to manipulate minds, but LeBlanc is the queen of trickery. She can bamboozle Swain with her illusions and outwit him with her wits. Next up, we have Skarner, the king of the Crystal Scar. Swain may have his fancy avian abilities, but Skarner is a literal crystal scorpion who can wrap Swain up in his stingers and drag him away to the depths of the Dominion. Tryndamere, the warrior who will never surrender, is also a force to be reckoned with. If Swain thinks he can take down a barbarian with a few spells, he's got another thing coming. Tryndamere's unrelenting rage will keep him fighting until the bitter end. Shyvana, the three-headed monster, is also a formidable opponent. Swain may be able to transform into a demon bird, but he's no match for a dragon. Shyvana can breathe fire and slash with her claws, leaving Swain to wonder why he ever thought he could take her on. Finally, we have Lissandra, the frost queen. Swain may have some ice in his veins, but Lissandra is the true master of the cold. She can freeze Swain in place and leave him shivering in fear. And let's not forget Gangplank, the pirate who's always ready for a fight. Swain may be a high-ranking military officer, but he's no match for a seasoned pirate. Gangplank can fire his cannonball and slice with his sword, leaving Swain to walk the plank. So, if you're looking to counter Swain, look no further than these feathered and fearsome champions.

The Counters of Swain - A Humorous Tale

The Legend of Swain

Swain, the Noxian Grand General, is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With his ravens by his side, he can easily control and manipulate his enemies, dealing massive damage and sustaining himself in battle. But as powerful as he is, there are those who can counter him.

The Counters of Swain

So, who counters Swain? Let me tell you a tale of the champions who can bring down this bird-loving general.

  1. Vayne - This swift-footed hunter can easily dodge Swain's abilities and kite him around the battlefield. Plus, her Silver Bolts deals true damage which can bypass Swain's tankiness.
  2. Fiora - The Grand Duelist can parry Swain's Nevermove and Riposte his Decrepify, turning his own abilities against him. Plus, her ult can quickly take down Swain's health, even during his ultimate.
  3. LeBlanc - The Deceiver can easily outmaneuver Swain and burst him down before he has a chance to react. Plus, her mimic ability can copy Swain's ult, giving her extra sustain in battle.
  4. Olaf - The Berserker can easily shrug off Swain's CC and deal massive damage with his true damage axes. Plus, his ult can negate Swain's ultimate healing and allow him to quickly close the gap and finish off the bird-man.

But Wait, There's More!

These champions are not the only ones who can counter Swain. There are also items and strategies that can be used to bring down the Grand General.

  • Executioner's Calling - This item applies grievous wounds to Swain, reducing his healing from his ultimate.
  • Bait and Switch - Swain relies heavily on his Nevermove to catch his enemies. By baiting out his ability and then quickly dodging or using CC, you can easily turn the tables on him.
  • Silence! - Swain's abilities are all dependent on his ability to cast spells. By silencing him, you can easily shut down his damage output and prevent him from using his ultimate to heal.

The End of Swain?

So there you have it, the legends of those who can counter Swain. But don't let this discourage you from playing the Grand General. With careful positioning and strategy, he can still dominate the battlefield, even against his counters. Just remember to keep your ravens close and your enemies closer.

And who knows, maybe one day a new champion will come along who can finally put an end to Swain's reign. But until then, let us revel in the tales of those who can bring down the bird-man with the funny hat.

Keywords Meaning
Swain A champion in League of Legends known for his ability to control and manipulate his enemies with his ravens.
Counter A champion or strategy that can be used to effectively bring down an opponent.
Vayne A champion in League of Legends known for her mobility and ability to deal true damage.
Fiora A champion in League of Legends known for her ability to parry and deal massive damage with her ult.
LeBlanc A champion in League of Legends known for her mobility and burst damage.
Olaf A champion in League of Legends known for his ability to shrug off CC and deal true damage with his axes.
Items Game items that can be purchased in League of Legends to give champions various bonuses and abilities.
Executioner's Calling An item in League of Legends that applies grievous wounds to enemies, reducing their healing.
Bait and Switch A strategy in League of Legends where you bait out an enemy's ability and then quickly counter-attack.
Silence A debuff in League of Legends that prevents champions from casting spells.

Don't Let Swain Get the Best of You: Here are Some Champions to Counter Him!

Well, well, well...look who decided to visit my blog! Welcome, fellow League of Legends enthusiasts! Today, we are going to talk about one of the most annoying champions out there - Swain. Yes, that bird-loving, never-dying, demon magician who is always a pain in the neck.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How on earth can we counter him? He's just too good! But don't worry, my friends. I've got your back. In this blog post, I'm going to share with you some champions who can put Swain in his place and make him regret ever crossing your path.

First up, we have Kassadin. This guy is Swain's worst nightmare. With his Riftwalk ability, Kassadin can easily dodge Swain's Nevermove and Eye of the Storm. And when he finally gets close enough, he can silence Swain with his Null Sphere, preventing him from casting any spells. The best part? Kassadin is an assassin, which means he can take Swain down quickly and efficiently.

Another champion that can give Swain a run for his money is LeBlanc. She may be squishy, but her mobility and burst damage are unmatched. With her Distortion ability, she can easily dodge Swain's abilities and get up close and personal with him. And once she's in range, she can unleash a devastating combo that will leave Swain wondering what hit him.

If you're looking for a tankier option, then look no further than Galio. This gargoyle is not only a great tank, but he's also an excellent counter to Swain. His Bulwark ability can absorb a lot of Swain's damage, and his ultimate, Hero's Entrance, can knock Swain up and prevent him from casting spells. Plus, Galio deals magic damage, which means he can take advantage of Swain's low magic resist.

Next up, we have Azir. This emperor may be a bit difficult to play, but trust me, he's worth it. With his Sand Soldiers, Azir can poke Swain from a safe distance and make it hard for him to get close. And if Swain does manage to get in range, Azir can use his Shifting Sands ability to quickly move away. Plus, Azir's ultimate, Emperor's Divide, can completely block Swain's path and prevent him from getting to you or your team.

Last but not least, we have Ahri. This foxy lady is not only charming but also deadly. With her Orb of Deception, Ahri can poke Swain from afar and deal significant damage. And if Swain does manage to get close, Ahri can use her ultimate, Spirit Rush, to quickly dash away. Plus, Ahri's Charm ability can make Swain fall head over heels for her, leaving him vulnerable to attacks.

So there you have it, folks! These are some of the champions that can give Swain a hard time. Of course, there are other options out there, but these five are my personal favorites. Remember, the key to countering Swain is to stay mobile, avoid his abilities, and deal burst damage. Oh, and don't forget to have fun while doing it!

I hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any other tips or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. And if you want to see more League of Legends content, be sure to subscribe to my blog. Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counters Swain?

People Also Ask:

Who can I pick to beat Swain? Is there a champion that can counter Swain's abilities?

The Answer:

Well, well, well. You want to know who counters Swain, huh? As an AI language model, I'm not surprised by your curiosity. So, let me enlighten you with some champions that can give Swain a hard time.

  • Vayne - This lady might be small, but she is mighty. Vayne's mobility and true damage from her Silver Bolts can shred Swain's health bar in no time.
  • Katarina - The Sinister Blade is quick on her feet and can dodge Swain's Nevermove with ease. Her high burst damage can also take down Swain before he even has the chance to react.
  • Zed - The Master of Shadows can outmaneuver Swain and poke him down with his Living Shadow + Razor Shuriken combo. Plus, his ultimate Death Mark can quickly finish off Swain if he's low on health.
  • Fizz - The Tidal Trickster is a slippery fish that can dodge Swain's abilities with his Playful/Trickster combo. His high mobility and burst damage can also catch Swain off guard and take him down.
  • Anivia - The Cryophoenix can match Swain's waveclear and poke with her Flash Frost and Glacial Storm. She can also use her wall to block Swain's Nevermove and keep him at bay.

So there you have it, folks. These champions can give Swain a tough time in the Rift. But remember, League of Legends is a game of strategy and teamwork. Knowing your champion's strengths and weaknesses, as well as playing with a good team, can make all the difference. Good luck and have fun!