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The Ultimate Guide to Countering Lissandra in League of Legends: Top Picks and Strategies

Who Counters Lissandra

Wondering who can take on Lissandra? Champions like Kassadin, LeBlanc, and Zed have the skills to counter her icy prowess. Learn more here.

Oh, Lissandra. The Ice Witch that can freeze you in your tracks and leave you shivering in fear. But fear not, my dear readers, for there are champions out there who can counter her icy grip. Let's dive into the world of League of Legends and find out who these champions are.

First on our list is Zed, the Master of Shadows. This ninja can easily dodge Lissandra's root with his ultimate ability, Death Mark. With his swift movements, he can easily outplay Lissandra and turn the tides in his favor. Plus, who doesn't love a good ninja?

Next up is Kassadin, the Void Walker. Kassadin's passive ability, Void Stone, reduces magic damage taken, making Lissandra's abilities less effective against him. Not to mention, Kassadin's Riftwalk ability allows him to quickly escape Lissandra's grasp and reposition himself for a counter-attack.

Now, let's talk about Yasuo, the Unforgiven. Yasuo's Wind Wall ability can block Lissandra's Ice Shard and Glacial Path, making it difficult for her to land her combos. Plus, Yasuo's mobility and high damage output make him a formidable opponent for any champion, Lissandra included.

But wait, there's more! We can't forget about LeBlanc, the Deceiver. This tricky mage can easily juke Lissandra's abilities with her Distortion ability. Not to mention, LeBlanc's high burst damage can quickly take down Lissandra before she even has a chance to react.

Now, some of you may be thinking But what about tanks? They can take a lot of damage and still dish it out! Well, fear not my tank-loving friends, for we have Maokai, the Twisted Treant. Maokai's passive ability, Sap Magic, allows him to heal himself every time he casts a spell. Plus, Maokai's ultimate ability, Vengeful Maelstrom, can nullify Lissandra's ultimate ability, Frozen Tomb.

But let's not forget about the ADCs! We have Tristana, the Yordle Gunner. Tristana's Rocket Jump ability allows her to quickly escape Lissandra's root and reposition herself for a counter-attack. Plus, Tristana's high damage output can quickly take down Lissandra before she even has a chance to react.

Now, some of you may be thinking But what about supports? They don't deal a lot of damage! Well, my dear readers, we have Bard, the Wandering Caretaker. Bard's Magical Journey ability allows him to quickly dodge Lissandra's abilities and reposition himself for a counter-attack. Plus, Bard's ultimate ability, Tempered Fate, can freeze Lissandra in her tracks and give his team a chance to take her down.

But let's not forget about the queen of supports, Soraka. Soraka's healing abilities can easily counter Lissandra's poke damage, making it difficult for her to whittle down her opponents. Plus, Soraka's ultimate ability, Wish, can quickly heal up her team after Lissandra's ultimate ability, Frozen Tomb, is used.

And last but not least, we have Lux, the Lady of Luminosity. Lux's long-range abilities allow her to poke down Lissandra from a safe distance, making it difficult for Lissandra to engage. Plus, Lux's ultimate ability, Final Spark, can quickly take down Lissandra before she even has a chance to react.

So there you have it, my dear readers. A list of champions that can counter Lissandra's icy grip. Whether you prefer ninjas, tanks, or supports, there's a champion out there for everyone. So next time you're facing off against the Ice Witch herself, fear not. With these champions by your side, victory is within your grasp.


Lissandra, the Ice Witch, is one of the strongest mid-laners in League of Legends. She has a kit that can control team fights and single out targets with ease. However, playing against her can be a bit frustrating if you don't know how to counter her. Fear not, as we've got you covered! In this article, we'll take a humorous approach to discussing who counters Lissandra and how you can beat her at her own game.

Champions That Counter Lissandra


Ahri is a great pick against Lissandra as she can dodge Lissandra's abilities with her ultimate. Her mobility makes it hard for Lissandra to land her E or W. Ahri's charm is also a great tool to catch Lissandra off guard and burst her down.


Zed is another champion who can give Lissandra a hard time. His shadow dash allows him to dodge Lissandra's abilities and his ultimate can burst her down quickly. Zed's mobility also makes it difficult for Lissandra to land her CC.


Fizz is a slippery fish who can dodge Lissandra's abilities with his E. His ultimate can also lock Lissandra down and deal a significant amount of damage. Fizz's kit allows him to stay on top of Lissandra and deal damage from close range.

Items That Counter Lissandra

Mercury's Treads

Mercury's Treads are a great item to counter Lissandra's CC. The tenacity it provides makes it easier to break free from Lissandra's root and slow.

Banshee's Veil

Banshee's Veil is another great item to counter Lissandra's CC. The spell shield it provides can block Lissandra's root or ultimate, giving you time to react and avoid her abilities.

Void Staff

As Lissandra is a mage, building magic resist is a great way to counter her damage. Void Staff is an item that provides magic penetration, allowing you to deal more damage to Lissandra and other mages.

Playing Against Lissandra


Positioning is key when playing against Lissandra. Stay behind minions or tanks to avoid Lissandra's Q or W. Also, try to stay away from walls as Lissandra can use them to her advantage with her E.

Predicting Abilities

Lissandra's abilities are telegraphed, which means you can predict when she's going to use them. For example, if Lissandra uses her Q, she will likely follow up with her W. Use this knowledge to your advantage and dodge her abilities or prepare to counterattack.

Punishing Mistakes

Lissandra is a champion who relies heavily on her abilities to deal damage and control team fights. If she misses her abilities, she'll be vulnerable for a short period of time. Punish her mistakes by engaging on her or bursting her down.


In conclusion, there are several champions and items that can counter Lissandra in League of Legends. Ahri, Zed, and Fizz are great picks to use against her, while Mercury's Treads, Banshee's Veil, and Void Staff are great items to build. When playing against Lissandra, position yourself well, predict her abilities, and punish her mistakes. With these tips, you'll be able to beat Lissandra at her own game and win your mid-lane matchups with ease.

Who Counters Lissandra?

Well, well, well. Looks like Lissandra's icy grasp is no match for these champions. Let's take a look at who can give her a run for her money.

The Ol' Freeze Breaker

First up, we have the champions with abilities that can break free from any frozen state, leaving Lissandra's icy grasp on thin ice. These guys and gals don't have time for her shenanigans and can break out of her frosty traps with ease. So long, Lissandra!

The Fire Brigade

Next, we have the pyromancers who have no time for frozen shenanigans and can melt Lissandra's plans with ease. They'll set her ablaze and watch her melt away into nothingness. Sorry, Lissandra. Looks like you're not as hot as you thought.

The Hotfooted Runners

Then there are the quick and nimble champions who can outrun Lissandra's icy blasts at the drop of a hat. These guys are so fast, she won't even know what hit her. Bye-bye, Lissandra. Catch you never!

The Anti-International Ice Block

Up next, we have the champions with spells and skills that can disable Lissandra's abilities and leave her out in the cold. They'll shut her down before she even has a chance to freeze them. So long, Lissandra. Looks like your icy powers are no match for them.

The Undead Warmth

Then there are the champions who have no soul for Lissandra's icy grip and can come back from the dead to stick it to her. They'll rise from their graves and show her what true power looks like. Sayonara, Lissandra. Looks like you've met your match.

The Stonewall

Next up, we have the heavy defenders who can shrug off Lissandra's ice attacks and ensure the safety of their team. These guys are tough as nails and won't let Lissandra freeze them out. Goodbye, Lissandra. Looks like you're not as cool as you thought.

The Beachbod Brigade

Then there are the champions who don't let the cold get in the way of their training and can take on Lissandra looking like they just stepped out of a tropical paradise. They'll beat her at her own game and make it look easy. Adios, Lissandra. Looks like you're not the only one with a beach bod anymore.

The Featherweight Champions

Up next, we have the fighters who can dance around Lissandra's attacks and deliver swift blows to send her packing. They'll dodge her icy blasts and strike her down before she knows what hit her. Hasta la vista, Lissandra. Looks like you're not as nimble as you thought.

The Immunity Boost

Then there are the champions with abilities that can boost their team's resistance to Lissandra's chilly powers and keep them safe and sound. They'll protect their teammates and leave Lissandra out in the cold. Ciao, Lissandra. Looks like you're not the only one with a trick up your sleeve.

The Big Chillers

And last but not least, we have the champions who are just as cold and ruthless as Lissandra and can give her a taste of her own medicine in style. They'll freeze her out and make her regret ever trying to mess with them. Sayonara, Lissandra. Looks like you've met your match.

So there you have it, folks. The champions who can counter Lissandra and leave her frozen in her tracks. Whether it's through speed, strength, or strategic abilities, these guys and gals won't let her get the best of them. Sorry, Lissandra. Looks like you're not so cool after all.

The Tale of Lissandra's Nemesis

Who Counters Lissandra?

Lissandra, the queen of ice, is a formidable champion in League of Legends. Her ability to freeze enemies and control the battlefield makes her a force to be reckoned with. However, like all champions, she has her weaknesses and counters. Here are some champions that can give Lissandra a run for her money:

  1. Fizz: This playful trickster can easily dodge Lissandra's abilities with his E, Playful/Trickster. He can also out-damage her with his W, Seastone Trident.
  2. Zed: This shadowy assassin can quickly close the gap and burst down Lissandra with his combo. His ultimate, Death Mark, also allows him to dodge her ultimate, Frozen Tomb.
  3. Anivia: This fellow ice mage can match Lissandra's control with her own wall and stun. She can also out-range Lissandra with her ultimate, Glacial Storm.
  4. Kassadin: This void mage can nullify Lissandra's abilities and escape her control with his ultimate, Riftwalk. He can also deal significant damage with his Q, Null Sphere.

The Perspective of Lissandra's Nemesis

As a seasoned Fizz player, I always relish the opportunity to face off against Lissandra. There's nothing quite as satisfying as dodging her ultimate with my E and then delivering the finishing blow with my W. Seeing her frozen in place while I dance around her is just icing on the cake.

Of course, facing Lissandra is no easy feat. Her control and damage can quickly turn the tide of a fight if I'm not careful. But with careful positioning and timing, I can make her regret ever crossing paths with me.

So to all you Lissandra players out there, beware of the playful trickster. I may be small, but I pack a mean punch.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Lissandra A champion in League of Legends who specializes in control and freezing enemies.
Counter A champion who can effectively defeat or negate the strengths of another champion.
Fizz A champion in League of Legends who specializes in mobility and burst damage.
Zed A champion in League of Legends who specializes in assassination and shadows.
Anivia A champion in League of Legends who specializes in control and area of effect damage.
Kassadin A champion in League of Legends who specializes in mobility and nullifying magic abilities.

Closing Message: Who Counters Lissandra?

Well, my dear blog visitors, we have come to the end of our journey. We have delved deep into the world of League of Legends and explored the champions that can counter the icy queen, Lissandra.

As we have seen, there are several champions that can give Lissandra a run for her money. From the swift assassin Talon to the burly tank Cho'Gath, there is no shortage of options when it comes to countering Lissandra.

But before you rush off to the Rift to try out these champions, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer absurdity of this game. I mean, we're talking about a world where a yordle with a blowgun can take down a dragon, and a blind monk can kick his way through an entire team of opponents.

And yet, here we are, discussing the intricacies of how to counter a champion who wields the power of ice and can summon a giant frozen claw from the ground. It's both ridiculous and amazing at the same time.

So, my friends, as you venture forth into the world of League of Legends, remember to have fun. Don't take it too seriously, and always be willing to try new things. Who knows, maybe you'll discover a new champion that can take down Lissandra in ways we never thought possible.

And with that, I bid you farewell. May your games be filled with epic plays, thrilling victories, and the occasional moment of sheer insanity.

Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counters Lissandra?


Lissandra is a popular champion in League of Legends, known for her crowd control and burst damage abilities. However, like any other champion, she has her weaknesses and can be countered by certain champions. In this article, we will answer the frequently asked question Who Counters Lissandra? in a humorous voice and tone.

Champions that Counter Lissandra

If you're looking to take down Lissandra, here are some champions that you might want to consider:

  1. Yasuo: This samurai dude can use his Wind Wall to block Lissandra's Glacial Path and Ice Shard combo. Plus, his mobility makes it hard for Lissandra to land her crowd control abilities.
  2. Vladimir: The blood mage can easily sustain through Lissandra's poke with his Q ability, Transfusion. He can also pool to dodge Lissandra's ultimate, Frozen Tomb.
  3. Zed: The master of shadows can use his Living Shadow to dodge Lissandra's crowd control abilities and burst her down with his ultimate, Death Mark. Plus, his energy-based resource makes it hard for Lissandra to keep up with his damage output.
  4. Zoe: The tricky little girl can use her Paddle Star to poke Lissandra from afar and her Sleepy Trouble Bubble to set up ganks on her. Plus, her Portal Jump makes it hard for Lissandra to catch her.


While Lissandra may be a powerful champion, she is not invincible. By picking the right champions and playing smartly, you can counter her and come out on top. So next time you face Lissandra on the Rift, remember these champion picks and show her who's boss!