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Unmasking the Best Champions Who Counter Leblanc in League of Legends

Who Counters Leblanc

Wondering who can shut down LeBlanc? Look no further! Discover the champions that counter her tricky moves in our guide.

Who counters Leblanc? The million-dollar question that every League of Legends player asks themselves when they see this devious champion picked on the enemy team. Her kit is like no other, allowing her to deceive and outplay her opponents with ease. But fear not, my fellow summoners, as I have put together a comprehensive guide on who can counter this tricky champion. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of Leblanc counters.

First up, we have the queen of mid lane herself, Syndra. This confident mage has the tools to shut down Leblanc's mobility with her Scatter the Weak ability. Not only that, but her ultimate, Unleashed Power, deals massive damage and can quickly take down Leblanc before she has a chance to escape. Plus, Syndra's dark humor and sass make her a fan favorite among players.

Next on the list is the rock-solid tank, Galio. His passive, Colossal Smash, reduces magic damage taken, making him an excellent choice against Leblanc's AP-heavy kit. And with his ultimate, Hero's Entrance, he can quickly close the gap and engage on her, leaving her with nowhere to run. Plus, who doesn't love a champion that can taunt their enemies with a dance?

But wait, there's more! Enter Zed, the master of shadows. This assassin can match Leblanc's mobility and burst damage, making her think twice before engaging. Plus, his Living Shadow ability allows him to dodge her chains and get in close for the kill. And let's not forget his iconic laugh, which can tilt even the most stoic of opponents.

Another worthy adversary is Kassadin, the Void Walker. This champion's passive, Void Stone, grants him magic damage reduction, making him a tough nut to crack for Leblanc. And with his ultimate, Riftwalk, he can quickly close the distance and deal massive damage to her. Plus, his mysterious backstory and cool design make him a popular pick among players.

But what about the king of mid lane himself, Faker? Yes, that's right, I'm talking about Orianna. This champion's kit allows her to poke Leblanc from a safe distance with her Command: Attack ability. And with her ultimate, Shockwave, she can turn the tide of any team fight and leave Leblanc reeling. Plus, her robotic voice and quirky personality make her a lovable champion both in-game and out.

Now, these are just a few of the champions that can counter Leblanc. But remember, it's not just about picking the right champion, but also knowing how to play against her. So, study her kit, learn her weaknesses, and don't be afraid to get creative. After all, there's nothing more satisfying than outplaying a Leblanc player and securing that sweet, sweet victory.

In conclusion, Leblanc may be a tricky champion to play against, but with the right tools and mindset, she can be easily countered. Whether you prefer a sassy mage, a beefy tank, or a shadowy assassin, there's a champion out there for everyone. So, go forth, my fellow summoners, and show Leblanc who's boss!


Leblanc is a champion that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Her mobility and burst damage make her a force to be reckoned with. But fear not, for there are champions out there who can stand up to her. In this article, we'll be discussing the champions that counter Leblanc.

The Obvious Choice: Galio

Galio is the go-to counter for Leblanc. He has a kit built specifically to shut down mages like her. His passive grants him magic resist for building ability power, and his W allows him to taunt enemies while gaining even more magic resist. His ultimate is a massive AOE taunt that can lock down entire teams. There's no doubt that Galio is the best pick against Leblanc.

But Wait, There's More!

While Galio is the most obvious choice, there are other champions that can take on Leblanc as well. Let's take a look at some of them.

The Sneaky Pick: Kassadin

Kassadin may not seem like an obvious choice, but he can actually do quite well against Leblanc. His passive reduces magic damage taken, and his Q can silence Leblanc, preventing her from using her combos effectively. He also has a mobility spell that allows him to escape from her, and his ultimate can be used to chase her down.

The Key to Success: Surviving Early Game

The key to playing Kassadin against Leblanc is surviving the early game. Kassadin is weak in the early levels, so it's important to play safe and farm until you hit level 6. Once you have your ultimate, you can start harassing Leblanc and looking for opportunities to kill her.

The Annoying Pick: Lulu

Lulu may not be the first champion that comes to mind when you think of counters to Leblanc, but she can be quite effective. Her W polymorphs the enemy, making them unable to cast spells or attack. This can be used to stop Leblanc from using her combos or escaping. Lulu also has a shield and a speed boost to help her survive in lane.

The Power of Pix

Lulu's passive Pix can also be used to harass Leblanc. When Pix is on an ally, it fires a bolt at enemies hit by that ally's abilities. This means that if you put Pix on yourself or a minion, you can harass Leblanc without putting yourself in danger.

The Surprising Pick: Zilean

Zilean may not be a common pick, but he can actually do quite well against Leblanc. His Q slows enemies, making it harder for Leblanc to escape. His E can be used to speed up allies or slow down enemies, further helping with chasing or escaping. And his ultimate can revive an ally who gets caught out by Leblanc's burst.

Time is on Your Side

The key to playing Zilean against Leblanc is timing. You need to use your abilities at the right time to slow her down and speed yourself up. You also need to be aware of her burst potential and be ready to use your ultimate to save an ally.

The Unconventional Pick: Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser may seem like an odd choice, but he can actually do quite well against Leblanc. His passive gives him a shield based on damage dealt, which can help him survive Leblanc's burst. His W can be used to heal himself, and his ultimate can be used to take Leblanc out of the fight temporarily.

The Power of Sustain

The key to playing Mordekaiser against Leblanc is sustain. You need to constantly use your W to heal yourself and build up your shield. This will make it harder for Leblanc to burst you down, and give you the time you need to take her out.


Leblanc may be a scary champion, but she's not unbeatable. With the right pick and strategy, you can take her down and come out on top. Whether you choose Galio, Kassadin, Lulu, Zilean, or even Mordekaiser, remember to play to your strengths and be aware of Leblanc's burst potential. Good luck on the Rift!

Who Counters LeBlanc?

LeBlanc is a tricky champion to deal with, but there are champions who can easily counter her sneaky moves. Let's take a look at some of the champions who can make LeBlanc's life miserable.

Not Today, LeBlanc!

Champions who can easily dodge her tricky chains and spell combos are her worst nightmare. Champions with mobility spells like Ezreal and Lucian can quickly escape her range, and champions with crowd control abilities like Morgana and Lux can hold her down and deal significant damage.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

Unsurprisingly, champions with mirror-like abilities, like Yasuo, can deflect LeBlanc's spells and deal damage to her. Even champions with similar abilities like Zed and Ahri can outplay her in a one-on-one situation.

I See What You Did There!

Overwatch heroes like Widowmaker or Hanzo can easily spot LeBlanc's sneaky moves with their exceptional sight due to their superior visual abilities. They can also deal significant damage from afar, making LeBlanc think twice before engaging.

I'm Too Strong for You!

LeBlanc's weak point is most of the time, her squishiness and lack of durability, and champions with high stamina and durability, like Cho'Gath, can quickly take her down. Champions like Darius and Garen can also withstand her powerful bursts and generate critical strikes that can take her out in a few seconds flat!

Bow Down to Me!

A champion like Jarvan IV, who boasts both crowd control and raw strength, can trap LeBlanc and unleash his destructive power for an easy finish! Other champions like Malphite and Alistar can also initiate a fight and lock her down, making her an easy target for the rest of the team.

I'm Like a Ghost!

LeBlanc may be invisible in her fake clones, but a champion like Wukong, who can easily mimic her copies and their random movements, makes her efforts useless. Other champions like Shaco and Fiddlesticks can also deceive her with their own clones and disrupt her spellcasting abilities.

My Dexterity Will Win This!

Champions like Fizz or Akali, who possess impressive agility and can easily maneuver around LeBlanc's skills and crowd control, have a superior edge over her. They can dodge her chains and spells, and deliver powerful bursts that can take her out in a matter of seconds.

You Are Under My Control!

A champion like Malzahar with powerful crowd-control abilities and a set of spells to stop LeBlanc's shenanigans tops her off. He can silence her, suppress her, and deal significant damage without being affected by her tricky clones.

No Tricks Allowed!

A pure fighter like Darius who can withstand her powerful bursts and are not affected by her tricky clones is most likely going to give her a run for her money. He can grab her with his hook, slow her down with his bleed, and deliver powerful strikes that can take her out in a few hits.

You Will Suffer!

Champions with high perseverance and damage output can get on top of LeBlanc and generate critical strikes, like Garen, can take her out in a few seconds flat! Other champions like Master Yi and Tryndamere can also deal massive damage and outlast her in a prolonged fight.

So, if you're having trouble dealing with LeBlanc, try these champions and see if you can make her regret ever trying to outsmart you!

Who Counters Leblanc?

The Story of a Champion's Nemesis

Leblanc was once the queen of the mid lane. With her deceptive illusions and swift movements, she could easily outplay her opponents and secure kills with ease. However, there came a time when a challenger appeared who could take her down without breaking a sweat.

This challenger was none other than {{keywords:}}. With his powerful crowd control abilities and ranged harass, he was able to shut down Leblanc's mobility and prevent her from using her signature tricks. No matter how hard Leblanc tried to deceive him, {{keywords:}} always had a trick up his sleeve to turn the tables on her.

Leblanc was frustrated by this new opponent, and she knew that she had to find a way to counter him if she wanted to remain at the top of her game. She spent countless hours studying {{keywords:}}'s weaknesses and devising strategies to outplay him. But no matter how much she prepared, she could never seem to gain the upper hand.

Finally, one day, Leblanc had had enough. She decided that she would confront {{keywords:}} head-on and show him that she was not to be underestimated. But as soon as she faced him in the mid lane, she realized that she had made a grave mistake.

{{keywords:}} was not alone. He had brought along his trusty sidekick, {{keywords:}}. With his powerful stuns and shield, {{keywords:}} was able to protect {{keywords:}} from Leblanc's attacks and keep her at bay. And so, Leblanc was forced to retreat once again, humiliated and defeated.

The Point of View of {{keywords:}}

As {{keywords:}} watched Leblanc retreat, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He knew that he had won this battle, and that Leblanc would have to come up with a new strategy if she wanted to beat him.

But as he turned to leave, he felt a sudden pang of guilt. After all, he had always been a fan of Leblanc's flashy playstyle and cunning tricks. He didn't want to see her lose her edge and become just another mediocre mid laner.

And so, {{keywords:}} decided to extend an olive branch to Leblanc. He reached out to her and offered to share his knowledge and expertise, in the hopes that she could use it to improve her game and become an even better opponent.

Leblanc was skeptical at first, but she soon realized that {{keywords:}} was sincere in his offer. Together, they worked on developing new strategies and techniques that could counter even the most powerful opponents.

And so, the rivalry between Leblanc and {{keywords:}} continued. But now, it was a more friendly and respectful rivalry, built on mutual admiration and a desire to push each other to be the best that they could be.

Table Information about {{keywords:}}

  • Name: {{keywords:}}
  • Role: Mage
  • Lane: Mid
  • Abilities: Crowd Control, Ranged Harass
  • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to All-Ins, Low Mobility

Who Counters Leblanc? Nobody. But Here's How You Can Try

Hey there, fellow Summoners! I hope you've enjoyed reading about Leblanc and her sneaky ways. But as we all know, every champion has a weakness, and it's up to us to find it.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Leblanc, finding a counter can be quite the challenge. She's elusive, she's tricky, and she's always one step ahead. But fear not, my dear friends, because today we're going to explore some options on how to deal with this devious Deceiver.

First things first, let's talk about champions that can match Leblanc's mobility. These champions have the ability to dash, blink, or jump around just like Leblanc, making it harder for her to catch them off guard.

One such champion is Zed, the Master of Shadows. With his Living Shadow ability, Zed can create a clone of himself that he can switch places with, confusing Leblanc and making it harder for her to land her abilities. Plus, he can dish out some serious damage with his shadowy shurikens.

Another champion that can keep up with Leblanc's mobility is Kassadin, the Void Walker. With his Riftwalk ability, Kassadin can teleport short distances, allowing him to dodge Leblanc's skill shots and chase her down if needed. Plus, his Null Sphere ability can silence Leblanc, preventing her from using her abilities for a short period of time.

Now let's talk about champions that can out-damage Leblanc. These champions have the ability to burst her down before she has a chance to do the same to them.

One such champion is Syndra, the Dark Sovereign. With her Dark Sphere ability, Syndra can create a dark orb that she can then throw at Leblanc, dealing massive damage and stunning her in the process. Plus, her Unleashed Power ultimate can one-shot Leblanc if she's not careful.

Another champion that can out-damage Leblanc is Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil. With his Baleful Strike ability, Veigar can stack up AP by killing minions, making him a powerhouse in the late game. Plus, his Event Horizon ability can stun Leblanc, leaving her vulnerable to his Dark Matter ability.

But let's be real here, folks. None of these champions truly counter Leblanc. She's just too darn slippery. So, what can we do?

Well, for starters, we can focus on shutting down her early game. Leblanc is notorious for her strong laning phase, so if we can prevent her from snowballing, we'll have a better chance of dealing with her later on.

To do this, we can play champions with strong waveclear, like Ziggs or Viktor. By pushing the lane constantly, we can force Leblanc to focus on farming under turret rather than harassing us. Plus, if she does try to roam, we can punish her by taking down her turret.

We can also purchase items that counter Leblanc's burst damage. Items like Banshee's Veil or Zhonya's Hourglass can provide us with some much-needed survivability against her combo.

And finally, we can stick together as a team. Leblanc thrives on picking off isolated targets, so if we stay grouped up and protect each other, we'll make it harder for her to do her job.

So there you have it, folks. While there may not be a true counter to Leblanc, there are certainly ways to deal with her. Whether you choose to match her mobility, out-damage her, or simply play smart, remember that teamwork is key.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a game to get back to. Good luck on the Rift!

Who Counters Leblanc?

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  • What champions counter Leblanc?
  • How do I beat Leblanc in lane?
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Oh, Leblanc. The deceiver. The trickster. The champion that can make you feel like a fool in seconds. But fear not, for there are champions that can counter her.

  1. Garen - Yes, that's right. The big, burly guy with the sword. Garen's passive ability allows him to regenerate health over time, which can help him sustain through Leblanc's poke. Additionally, his silence can interrupt her combos and his ultimate can finish her off.
  2. Kassadin - Kassadin's magic resistance and ability to blink can make it difficult for Leblanc to burst him down. Plus, his ultimate allows him to chase her down if she tries to escape.
  3. Galio - This tanky mage has a passive ability that gives him magic resistance based on his ability power. Plus, his ultimate can taunt Leblanc and her allies, making them easy targets for the rest of your team to take down.

As for items, building magic resistance can help mitigate Leblanc's damage. Consider getting a Null-Magic Mantle or a Banshee's Veil. And don't forget to ward your lane to avoid getting caught off guard by her sneaky ganks.

So, fear not, summoners. With the right champion and items, you too can outsmart the deceiver.