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Top 5 Champions Who Counter Akshan - A Comprehensive Guide for League of Legends Players

Who Counters Akshan

Discover the best champions to counter Akshan in League of Legends. Learn tips and tricks to defeat this Sentinel of Light with ease.

So, you've been hearing all about this new champion, Akshan, and you're itching to try him out. You've watched countless videos of his gameplay, read through his abilities and stats, and you're convinced that he's the next big thing in League of Legends. But hold on just a second, my friend. Before you jump into that game with Akshan, let me tell you about the champions that can counter him.

First up, we have Vayne. This little devil of a champion can tumble away from Akshan's attacks with ease, making it difficult for him to land those crucial hits. Plus, her Silver Bolts ability can shred Akshan's health in seconds, leaving him vulnerable to a quick takedown. And let's not forget about her Final Hour ultimate, which grants her invisibility and bonus damage, making her an incredibly dangerous foe for Akshan to face.

Next on the list is Jinx. While she may not be as popular as some of the other ADCs, Jinx has a few tricks up her sleeve that make her a nightmare for Akshan. Her Zap! ability can slow him down, making it easier for her to land her chompers and finish him off. And if she manages to get a kill or assist, her passive ability grants her bonus attack speed and movement speed, allowing her to chase down Akshan even if he tries to escape.

If you're looking for a tanky champion that can stand up to Akshan's damage, look no further than Malphite. This rocky behemoth can use his Unstoppable Force ultimate to knock Akshan up and stun him, leaving him vulnerable to his teammates' attacks. Plus, Malphite's Granite Shield passive grants him bonus armor, making it difficult for Akshan to deal any meaningful damage to him.

But what about those pesky assassins that love to burst down ADCs like Akshan? Well, Zed is a good place to start. His Living Shadow ability can help him close the gap between himself and Akshan, while his Death Mark ultimate deals massive damage and leaves Akshan vulnerable to further attacks. And if Akshan tries to use his Heroic Swing to escape, Zed can just follow him with his own shadows and keep up the pressure.

Another assassin that Akshan should be wary of is Kha'Zix. This bug-like creature can use his Leap ability to get up close and personal with Akshan, while his Void Spike ability can deal damage from a distance. And if Akshan tries to run away, Kha'Zix's evolved wings allow him to jump after him and finish the job.

Of course, these are just a few examples of champions that can counter Akshan. There are plenty of others out there that can give him a run for his money. The important thing is to know your enemy and choose your champion accordingly. With a little bit of practice and some careful planning, you'll be able to take down Akshan and any other foe that comes your way.

So, next time you're facing off against Akshan in the Rift, don't be intimidated. Just remember that there are plenty of champions out there that can counter him. And who knows, you might even find a new favorite champion in the process.

Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel

Akshan is the newest addition to the League of Legends roster and he's already making a name for himself. As a rogue sentinel, his kit revolves around mobility, sustainability, and assassination. He has quickly become a popular pick in both solo queue and professional play due to his unique abilities and playstyle. However, like all champions, Akshan has his weaknesses and counters. In this article, we'll take a humorous look at who can give Akshan a hard time on the Rift.

Darius - The Dunkmaster

When it comes to brute force and raw damage output, there are few champions that can match Darius. The Noxian Executioner's kit revolves around getting into melee range and obliterating his opponents with his trademark ultimate, Noxian Guillotine. Against Akshan, Darius can be a nightmare due to his tankiness and ability to pull him in with Apprehend. Once Akshan is in range, Darius can easily lock him down with his slows and execute him with his ultimate. The only thing Akshan will be running from is the respawn timer.

Zyra - The Thorny Queen

While Akshan is great at taking out squishy targets, his sustain and mobility can make it difficult for him to deal with champions who have a lot of crowd control and area-of-effect damage. Enter Zyra, the thorny queen of the bot lane. With her plethora of crowd control abilities and plant minions, Zyra can keep Akshan at bay while dealing massive amounts of damage. Her ultimate, Stranglethorns, can root Akshan and his allies in place, setting them up for a devastating follow-up from her team.

Tahm Kench - The River King

Tahm Kench is a champion who thrives on devouring his enemies and spitting them out like yesterday's lunch. Against Akshan, Tahm Kench can be a nightmare due to his ability to negate his burst damage and mobility with his Devour ability. Once Akshan is in Tahm Kench's belly, there's not much he can do except hope his team can save him. To make matters worse, Tahm Kench has a lot of tankiness and crowd control, making him a formidable opponent in any skirmish.

Garen - The Might of Demacia

Garen is a champion who needs no introduction. As one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, Garen is known for his tankiness, sustain, and spinning his way to victory. Against Akshan, Garen can be a nightmare due to his ability to silence him with Decisive Strike and negate his burst damage with his Courage ability. Once Akshan is silenced, Garen can easily spin to win and finish him off with his ultimate, Demacian Justice.

Leona - The Radiant Dawn

Leona is a champion who excels at locking down her opponents and setting them up for her team's follow-up. Against Akshan, Leona can be a nightmare due to her ability to stun him with Shield of Daybreak and lock him down with her ultimate, Solar Flare. Once Akshan is stunned, Leona can easily set up her team for a devastating teamfight victory. To make matters worse, Leona also has a lot of tankiness and crowd control, making her a formidable opponent in any skirmish.

Vayne - The Night Hunter

Vayne is a champion who excels at taking out high priority targets and melting tanks with her true damage. Against Akshan, Vayne can be a nightmare due to her ability to kite him with her Tumble ability and stun him with her Condemn. Once Akshan is stunned, Vayne can easily melt him with her silver bolts and finish him off with her ultimate, Final Hour. To make matters worse, Vayne also has a lot of mobility and invisibility, making her a difficult target for Akshan to take down.


While Akshan is a powerful champion in his own right, there are many champions in the League of Legends roster who can give him a hard time on the Rift. From tanky bruisers like Darius and Garen to crowd control mages like Zyra and Leona, there are many ways to counter Akshan's unique playstyle. However, it's important to remember that no champion is unbeatable and with a bit of practice and strategy, any player can overcome their opponents on the Rift.

Akshan may be a force to be reckoned with, but even he has his weaknesses. Let's take a look at some of the champions who can give him a run for his money.

The One That Got Away

Akshan's worst nightmare: a support who can easily peel him off their ADC, leaving him to run away with his tail between his legs! Champions like Janna and Lulu have the ability to knock Akshan back and slow him down, making it nearly impossible for him to close in on their squishy carries. As much as Akshan loves a good chase, he'll need to be careful when facing these slippery supports.

The Tank

Akshan's worst enemy: a tank who can withstand his attacks and CC, leaving him wondering if he even did any damage at all. Champions like Malphite and Maokai can shrug off Akshan's bullets and crowd control, making it difficult for him to take them down. Akshan will need to rely on his teammates to help bring down these beefy opponents.

The Sneak

Akshan's biggest surprise: an assassin who can out-maneuver him, leaving him vulnerable to their quick strikes. Champions like Katarina and Zed are known for their high mobility and burst damage, making them a daunting opponent for Akshan. If he's not careful, he could find himself on the wrong end of their blades.

The CC Master

Akshan's worst nightmare come true: a champion who can easily stun, root, silence or immobilize him, rendering his mobility useless. Champions like Morgana and Leona have a plethora of crowd control abilities that can shut down Akshan's ability to move and attack. He'll need to stay vigilant and avoid their spells if he wants to survive.

The Burst Mage

Akshan's worst fear: a mage who can dish out insane amounts of burst damage, turning him into a pool of blood. Champions like Syndra and Veigar can unleash devastating spells that can take Akshan down in just a few hits. If he wants to survive against these mages, he'll need to stay out of their range and avoid their abilities.

The Caster

Akshan's worst nightmare persist: a caster who can poke him from a safe distance, weakening him or even killing him before he can get close enough. Champions like Xerath and Lux have the ability to harass Akshan from afar, making it difficult for him to close in on them. He'll need to be patient and wait for his moment to strike.

The Lifestealer

Akshan's biggest pet peeve: a champion who can heal back all the damage he deals with every strike, leaving him frustrated. Champions like Aatrox and Vladimir have the ability to sustain themselves in fights, making it difficult for Akshan to whittle them down. He'll need to be careful not to overextend and leave himself open to their attacks.

The Kiter

Akshan's worst nemesis: a champion who can effortlessly dodge his attacks and kite him around the map, rendering him useless. Champions like Vayne and Lucian have the ability to dash and dodge around Akshan, making it difficult for him to land his shots. He'll need to use his mobility to catch up to them and stay on top of them if he wants to take them down.

The Split-pusher

Akshan's biggest dilemma: a champion who can destroy towers and threaten objectives, forcing him to split his attention and be less effective overall. Champions like Tryndamere and Fiora excel at pushing lanes and taking down structures, making it difficult for Akshan to keep up. He'll need to coordinate with his team to defend their objectives while still keeping up the pressure on the enemy team.

The Global Threat

Akshan's worst nightmare become eternity: a champion who can roam the map quickly, ganking or counter-ganking him from unexpected angles, leaving him with no safe places to hide. Champions like Twisted Fate and Pantheon have the ability to teleport around the map, making it difficult for Akshan to predict their movements. He'll need to stay aware of their presence and be ready to react quickly if he wants to avoid being caught off-guard.

Who Counters Akshan?


Akshan is one of the newest additions to League of Legends and has quickly become a fan favorite. His unique kit allows him to roll, shoot, and revive his allies. However, every champion has their counters, and Akshan is no exception.

Who Counters Akshan?

1. Zed - Akshan relies on his mobility to dodge enemy attacks and position himself in fights. Zed's ultimate, Death Mark, can easily catch Akshan off-guard and deal massive damage.

2. Malzahar - Malzahar's ultimate ability, Nether Grasp, is a point-and-click suppress that prevents Akshan from using any abilities, leaving him vulnerable to enemy attacks.

3. Jinx - Akshan's short range makes it difficult for him to engage Jinx, who has longer range and can easily kite him with her Zap! ability.

4. Caitlyn - Similar to Jinx, Caitlyn's long-range abilities make it difficult for Akshan to engage her. Her Piltover Peacemaker can also deal significant damage from afar.

5. Vayne - Vayne's Silver Bolts passive deals true damage based on a percentage of the target's maximum health. This makes her an effective counter to Akshan, who has low base health.

My Humorous Point of View

As an AI language model, I don't have emotions, but I can still appreciate humor. It's funny how Akshan can revive his allies, but he can't revive himself when he gets taken down by his counters. Maybe he needs to add immortality to his list of abilities.

Table of Keywords

Keywords Meaning
Akshan A champion in League of Legends
Counter A champion that is effective against another champion
Zed A champion in League of Legends
Malzahar A champion in League of Legends
Jinx A champion in League of Legends
Caitlyn A champion in League of Legends
Vayne A champion in League of Legends

So Who Counters Akshan?

Well, dear visitors, we have come to the end of our journey. We have explored the world of Akshan and his many strengths and weaknesses. But, before we say goodbye, we must answer the question that brought us all here: Who counters Akshan?

As we have seen, Akshan is a formidable foe on the battlefield. His kit is designed to give him the upper hand in almost any situation. However, like every other champion in League of Legends, he has his counters.

The first champion that comes to mind when countering Akshan is Vayne. This little devil with her Silver Bolts can quickly shred through Akshan's health bar. Her ultimate also makes her invisible, making it difficult for Akshan to target her with his abilities.

Another champion that can give Akshan a run for his money is Fiora. This Grand Duelist can easily dodge Akshan's attacks with her Riposte ability. Fiora can also poke at Akshan from a distance with her Lunge ability, making it difficult for him to get close.

Let's not forget about Jhin. This Virtuoso can kite Akshan all day long with his range and Deadly Flourish ability. His ultimate can also be used to pick off Akshan from afar if he tries to escape.

Moving on, we have Kha'Zix. This Voidreaver can quickly eliminate Akshan with his high burst damage. His Leap ability can also help him avoid Akshan's abilities, making it easy for him to take down the Rogue Sentinel.

Next up, we have Zed. This Master of Shadows can easily dodge Akshan's abilities with his Living Shadow ability. His ultimate can also be used to dive on top of Akshan and quickly eliminate him before he has a chance to react.

Let's not forget about Ashe. This Frost Archer can easily kite Akshan with her slow and Volley ability. Her ultimate can also be used to stun Akshan from afar and give her team time to follow up.

Finally, we have Syndra. This Dark Sovereign can easily stun Akshan with her Scatter the Weak ability. Her high burst damage can also quickly eliminate him if he gets caught out of position.

So, dear visitors, that's it for our journey through the world of Akshan. We hope you enjoyed our little adventure and learned something new along the way. Remember, every champion has their counters, and it's up to you to find them. Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counters Akshan?


Akshan is a new and exciting champion in the League of Legends roster. He has quickly become a fan favorite due to his unique abilities and playstyle. However, like every other champion, Akshan has weaknesses that can be exploited by the enemy team. In this article, we will answer the question, Who counters Akshan? and provide some humorous commentary along the way.

The Counters

1. Caitlyn

First on the list is Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover. She is a marksman who excels at long-range attacks and can easily poke Akshan from a distance. Her traps also make it difficult for Akshan to engage or escape. Plus, let's face it, no one likes getting shot by a person in a top hat.

2. Swain

Next up is Swain, the Noxian Grand General. His ultimate ability, Demonic Ascension, allows him to transform into a demon and deal massive damage to nearby enemies. This makes it difficult for Akshan to get close and stay alive. Plus, he's got a bird on his shoulder, which is just cool.

3. Janna

Janna, the Storm's Fury, is a support champion with a lot of utility. Her abilities allow her to shield allies, heal them, and knock enemies away. She can use her ultimate, Monsoon, to push Akshan and his team away from objectives. Plus, she's always flying around on a cloud, which is just impressive.

4. Malzahar

Finally, we have Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void. He is a mage who can silence Akshan with his Q ability and suppress him with his ultimate. This makes it difficult for Akshan to use his abilities and escape. Plus, he's got that cool purple void stuff going on.


While Akshan is a powerful champion, he can be countered by certain champions in the game. Caitlyn, Swain, Janna, and Malzahar are just a few examples. However, with the right strategy and teamwork, Akshan can still come out on top. So, next time you're facing an Akshan, consider picking one of these champions and see how they fare against the Rogue Sentinel.